- Promote policies and programs that enhance family and personal life (examine need for faculty/staff child care facility; consider policies on flextime, shared positions)
- Promote Institute workshops for grant-writing and for improving education and communication skills for new faculty
- Consider sabbatical leave policy
- Identify and accent faculty/staff strengths, accomplishments
- Improve methods for recognition and merit of faculty/staff
- Promote development of teams/collaboration across Institute units
- Develop awards/recognition for team success
- Involve support staff in planning and decision making
- Identify and focus on needs/problems relevant to State
- Refine administrative structure to improve teamwork and enhance communication/co-operation among units of Institute
- Investigate the feasibility a UTIA-wide grant and contract office
- Develop uniform performance review instrument for Institute
- Simplify policies/procedures
- Develop a centralized Web site
- Highlights in Third Thursday
- Promote Institute programs state-wide
- Develop common Institute e-mail system
- Develop UTIA publications rather than unit publications